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  99,99 EUR (≈ 103,69 USD)   20% SALE! this week
one year for 79,99 EUR (≈ 82,95 USD)
ALIAS-Generator V1 for Joomla 3.x
generates automatically new aliases for all your joomla articles in one step
  24,99 EUR (≈ 25,91 USD)   20% SALE! this week
Lifetime Subscription for 19,99 EUR (≈ 20,73 USD)
Article-Generator V4 for Joomla 3.x
generates automatically new articles from any feed-source to improve page SEO
  24,99 EUR (≈ 25,91 USD)   20% SALE! this week
Lifetime Subscription for 19,99 EUR (≈ 20,73 USD)
CE-Changer V1 for Joomla 3.x
changes Database Collation, Database Character set and Engine in one step
  24,99 EUR (≈ 25,91 USD)   20% SALE! this week
Lifetime Subscription for 19,99 EUR (≈ 20,73 USD)
SEO-Generator V5 for Joomla 3.x
automatically generates keywords and description for each article by pulling text from the title and/or the content to help with SEO. It also gives you the ability to set different title configurations, robots meta tags and google webmaster verification keys
  24,99 EUR (≈ 25,91 USD)   20% SALE! this week
Lifetime Subscription for 19,99 EUR (≈ 20,73 USD)
SEO-Generator V5 for Joomla 4.x
automatically generates keywords and description for each article by pulling text from the title and/or the content to help with SEO. It also gives you the ability to set different title configurations, robots meta tags and google webmaster verification keys
  24,99 EUR (≈ 25,91 USD)   20% SALE! this week
Lifetime Subscription for 19,99 EUR (≈ 20,73 USD)
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