
Joomla provides a great system for including metadata keywords and description on articles. When editing an article there is a spot on the right hand side of the page to edit the keywords and description (it’s under “Metadata Information”). This information is used to provide the <meta> tags for the page and to connect pages using the standard Related Articles module that comes with Joomla
But what if you don’t want to have to think up and type in keywords and description every time? Wouldn’t it be nice if the related articles plugin could just always work on the full text of articles? That’s what this plugin solves. Whenever you create or save an article in Frontend or Backend, this plugin automatically fills in keywords and description for you.
It does this for the keywords by:
- Parsing all the words in the article and ordering them by number of times used (you can choose to generate keywords from title, content or both)
- Removes the most common words in your language from the list by comparing it against a blacklist
- Adds the top words into the keywords section (Limit keywords by length or number)
After saving the article you can also make some changes and any words you add to the keyword or description section will not be overwritten when you save. But what is with that many old articles without keywords?
This version adds the ability to regenerate keywords for all articles in the database. Simply set the option to “Yes”, reload "Frontpage" and set it back to “No.” All articles in the database will now have keywords. You can save, delete or change the keywords for all articles by changing the options "Regenerate All Keywords and save it" and "Minimum Word Length" or the "Keywords-Blacklist".
This version adds the ability to regenerate keywords for all articles in the database. Simply set the option to “Yes”, reload "Frontpage" and set it back to “No.” All articles in the database will now have keywords. You can save, delete or change the keywords for all articles by changing the options "Regenerate All Keywords and save it" and "Minimum Word Length" or the "Keywords-Blacklist".
If you are not using "save by writing" then the description and keywords aren't saved in the article but the searchengine can get it from the sourcetext, because they are generated "on the fly".
The Keywords-Blacklist is german but you can change this in backend.
Use google translation to create your own Keyword-Blacklist:
HTML page title configuration. Set your page titles in three different ways:
- [CONTENT TITLE] (Joomla default)
You can also customize what the separator is (in this ex. it's a pipe, can be any character). Additionally, you can customize the front page of your site's title tag to display a custom string. So rather than just have:
- Home | [SITE NAME] -or- Front Page | [SITE NAME]
You can have one of four different layouts:
- [a custom string] | [SITE NAME]
- [SITE NAME] | [a custom string]
- [a custom string]
- Install the plugin
- Go to your Plugin Manager and enable the plugin
- That’s it, you’re done!
The SEO-Results are shown on these websites:
The current Version is: 5.0.0
- provides better performance and includes some bugfixes
- works with Joomla 3.x and 4.x Stable
- version for Joomla 3 is also ready for upgrade to Joomla 4
- brings back keywords for the frontpage in Joomla 4
- creates keywords and description automatically also by saving in Frontend
- your server can work with PHP 7.2.5 or higher
- works with every language
- you can set static keywords for all articles (works only in the modus "on the fly")
- automatic keyword-generating is much better
- works without backend-error if K2 is installed
- working better with sh404sef if meta management disabled in sh404sef
- overwrites the normal robots meta tags if you like
- sets the best robots meta tags for all articles
- uses your manually setted robots meta tags for special articles
- sets easilie the google webmaster verification keys for you into your website
- all settings are described with an tool-tip
Please login to get free updates and bugfixes. If you have bought an previous version, then after login, you will see special prices for upgrades to higher versions. Please contact me, if there are problems with registering, upgrading and the download!!!
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